How to add a location?

FocalPointK12 Support Agent
FocalPointK12 Support Agent
  • Updated

Navigate to the 'Administration' Menu:

Go to the 'Administration' menu from the main navigation. Then, find and click on the 'Locations' tab within the 'Administration' menu.

Click on 'Add New':

Find the 'Add New' button and click it to start creating a new location.

Enter Location Details:

Fill in the relevant location details in the provided fields. Include necessary information such as the location name, address, or any other required data.

Click 'Save' to Confirm:

Once all details are entered, click the 'Save' button to confirm and store the new location.

Confirmation of Location Addition:

Upon successful completion, a confirmation message will be displayed, and the new location will be saved and showcased for easy access.


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