Navigate to Enrollments, then select Examination, choose a time slot, and find the student.
- Click on the 'Comment' button as depicted.
- Type the comment in the 'Proctor Observation' page.
- Click 'Save' to send any comments/messages to Exam Takers/Students.
- Click the 'Reset' button to reset the Exam. Confirm the reset by selecting 'Yes, Please Confirm' in the popup. The Exam will be successfully reset and student can retake the test.
- Click the 'Remove' button to remove the Exam Taker from the Exam Time Slot. Confirm the removal, and the Exam Taker will be successfully removed and visible in enrollees again.
Entry Details:
- Click on the 'Entry Details' button to view entry details such as 'IP Address' and 'Enter/Reentry Times' of the Exam Taker.
By utilizing these controls, you can effectively manage and monitor the exam environment, ensuring a secure and organized examination process.
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